Corner rounding

Corner rounding made easy

Do you recognise this?
Laminating for 20 minutes and rounding corners for an hour is a thing of the past. We can round two at a time!

2 corners per cut with the Casslam ER-PDS

round corners

This is how rounding corners works with the Casslam ER-PDS:

  1. Adjust to the desired format
  2. The corner radius can be changed quickly by changing the stamp
  3. The stamp is done pneumatically with a foot pedal
  4. Done – perfectly rounded corners in an instant

Advantages of the Casslam ER-PDS:

  • Hands-free stamping using the foot pedal
  • Equipped with a corner radius of 1/8” as standard
  • Can be used anywhere
  • No electricity required
  • Easy to use
  • Processed into piles
  • Also available with ½”, ¼” or 3/8” corner radius

das Laminier 1x1

Your employees will be impressed with how quickly and easily corners can now be rounded.

The Casslam corner rounder is ideal for both laminated, finished paper and untreated paper. The corners are rounded precisely without any tearing. Even laminating a strength of 500 micron can be processed into piles.

Runde Ecken

Technical Specifications:

  • Maximum arch width: 480mm
  • Minimum arch width: 100mm
  • Total width: 560mm
  • Total height: 300mm
  • Weight: 12kg
  • Operating pressure: 8-10 bar

Neugierig ? Interested? Contact us at info(at)